Spiritual Counsels, Volume I: With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man
Spiritual Counsels, Volume I: With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man
By Saint Paisios the Athonite
Size: 6" x 9" (15.2 x 23cm)
Pages: 428
Binding: Softcover
From the Preface: When the Blessed Elder Paisios fell asleep in the Lord on 12 July 1994, he left behind a spiritual legacy: his teachings, his deeds, his life itself. Never more than a simple monk, with only an elementary school education but rich in the wisdom of God, the Elder emptied himself for the sake of others. His teaching was neither instruction nor catechism: he lived the Gospel, and everything he taught flowed naturally from is way of life, a life that was characterized overwhelmingly by love. He had formed himself according to the Gospel, and for this reason, it was his presence that taught first, and then his evangelical love and enlightened words. People of all kinds came to him; and when he received them, he did not simply listen patiently to the problems they confided in him, but with his holy simplicity and discernment, he entered deeply into their hearts and made their pains, anxieties and troubles his own. And then, gradually, a miracle would take place: people would be transformed. "God" he used to say, "performs a miracle when we wholeheartedly participate in the pain of others."
We saw with great joy the interest generated by the first book that circulated on the life and teachings of Elder Paisios. Many spoke with admiration about the answers they found there to their many questions, the solutions to their problems and solace in their grief. Our joy was even greater when people who had distanced themselves from our Mother the Church became rightly concerned and changed their way of life. We often thought of the words of a hymn dedicated to Saint Basil the Great: He lives, though he lies asleep in the Lord; he lives even among us, as one who speaks through his writings. We also felt compelled to offer the very beneficial words of Elder Paisios (which we recorded with reverence from the very first steps of our Sisterhood, because they were so helpful to us) to our brothers and sisters in Christ who were so persistently.....
From the Contents:
- Biographical Note
- Preface
- Introductory Remarks to the Elder's Counsels
- Part One: Sin and the Devil
- Part Two: Modern Civilization
- Part Three: The Spirit of God and the Spirit of the World
- Part Four: The Church in our Times
Other books in this series: Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Struggle, Family Life, Passions and Virtues, and On Prayer.
Amazon sent me my last St Paisios book terribly crushed and Athonite USA sent it perfect. Very thankful and the content was extremely edifying.
I purchased the Spiritual Counsels (3 volumes) and some other books on my son's gift list. I cannot give a review based on content, but I was very pleased with Customer Service. I completed a purchase of the Counsels and then realized that I needed to add 2 more requested titles. I made a second order which included more shipping costs. After a quick email to explain my dilemma, I received a prompt reply stating that the orders were received, and that the shipping on the second order was refunded quickly. My son had been on pilgrimage to Mt. Athos, and was profoundly impacted by that experience. These books will add dimension to his spiritual life and deepen his ministry as a priest.