The Divine Liturgy, A Commentary in the Light of the Fathers by Hieromonk Gregorios, Elder of the Cell of St. John the Theologian, Koutloumousiou Monastery, Mount Athos, is the most important commentary on the Divine Liturgy published in recent memory. Based on the writings of the Holy Fathers of the Church, it draws the reader into "the mystery of God’s love; that it was given because He first loved us; and that from it we obtain the beneficence of becoming participants in Christ and images of His love."
Assiduously referenced, Fr. Gregorios begins by introducing the reader to the history and purpose of this great mystery of the Church. He then leads the reader through the entire service, from its preparation in the Rite of Kairos, through the concluding final dismissal of the faithful. The Divine Liturgy: A Commentary in the Light of the Fathers is a book for both newcomers to the holy Orthodox faith, and for those who wish to acquire a deeper understanding of its theology and symbolism leading to a more profound participation in sacrament of the Divine Eucharist.
NEW EDITION: With the blessing of the author, this new beautifully crafted edition has been enhanced with numerous small changes to the translation of the text. These changes include the replacement of some terminology from Western Christian to Orthodox. For example, Easter has been replaced with Pascha, chasuble with phelonion, etc. The latinized spelling of some names have been updated to reflect their Greek pronunciation. For example, Macarius has been replaced with Makarios, Proclus with Proclos, Eudoxia with Evdoxia, and so on. American spelling conventions have been chosen for this edition, therefore Savior is used instead of Saviour, honor instead of honour, etc. Finally, the book has been completely redesigned with the intention of making it easier to use in catechetical settings with three color printing and other enhancements.
This edition replaces the previously available softcover edition.
AVAILABLE IN GREEK: "Η Θεία Λειτουργία, Σχόλια"
I, once again, have to give the folks at Athonite a 5-star rating. I wish that there were more stars to give them. Their promptness in posting this book to me as well as the care with which it was packed, in my opinion, shows that these people see this work as a ministry. Their love for Christ comes through loud and clear in their dealings. May God bless them. The last book that I read by Hieromonk Gregorios, "The Orthodox Faith, Life and Worship" was so moving, that I offered my heart continually to the Lord as I read it...even in the introduction. I have not started this book yet, but if it's anything like the last one, I am sure my reaction will be the same...humility, repentance and worship. It is my sincerest hope that in the future they will expand their book line even further. Thank you Athonite. May God bless you always.